Yuèbǐng Pí (月餅皮) – Mooncake Dough

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It’s that time of the year again! Mooncake season!

James and I try to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival every year by making mooncakes. Over the course of our relationship, we bought many mooncakes from local bakeries in our college town, and also tons from local bakeries here in the City. We were serious in trying to make our own for a long time, but felt like we had to do some digging on the internet to find some mooncake molds, and taste some good mooncakes to get an idea of what we wanted. The store-bought ones were always too sweet, or lacked smooth filling. He and I decided that we needed to experiment and come up with our own mooncakes; something we would be able to savor and enjoy without feeling like it was cloying.

Kitty got to work; he researched and we tested many recipes that would work to cover our fillings, and made sure the texture was nice when we took a bite from the finish products.

We’re excited to share with you our mooncake dough, so you can enjoy making these delectable sweets for you, your friends, and family too!

Recipe for Yuèbǐng Pí (月餅皮) - Mooncake Dough

  • 540g
  • Preparation:
  • Waiting:


  • 208g Golden Syrup
  • 65g Neutral Oil
  • 6½g Kansui (Alkaline Solution)
  • 260g All-Purpose Flour


  • Mix together the syrup, oil, and the alkaline solution. Sift in the flour. Combine and let it rest, covered, for 2 hours.
  • Cut to desired size for your chosen application.

*Bunny Wisdom*

  • We divide the mooncake dough to 40g pieces for our mooncake press. This weight will vary depending on the size of your press, and how much filling will be used. There will be enough mooncake dough for a baker's dozen, if going by our measurements. The press we use is 3 inches in diameter.
  • Kansui is lye water, comprised of potassium carbonate and baking soda. It brings the pH level down in foods, changes the texture, and helps with browning.

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