James and I wanted some pork ribs for dinner.
We are constantly on the search for something different to put on our plates. Even though making ribs is something we’ve done before, I wanted to make something delicious and easy. We put projects like these for the weekend, when we can keep an eye on the cooking.
I didn’t know how we wanted to prepare the ribs, as we usually order them from our local barbecue or meat-focused restaurants (both Southern-style and Chinese); but we wanted something with a bit of a kick. After mulling it over for a few days, we decided to forego the dry rub, bake our ribs first, and slather on some yummy sauce after.
Kitty helped me create a recipe that keeps the ingredients super simple. I honestly didn’t know what to expect, since we live in a tiny Manhattan apartment (you know, those spaces that don’t have an exhaust vent, absolutely no counter space, and small refrigerators); in spite of having these challenges as an inquisitive cook and baker, we made some deliciously tender pork ribs, and are happy to share this recipe with all of you.
Recipe for Slow-Baked Korean-Style Pork Ribs
- 3 Racks of Pork Ribs
- Preparation:
- Cooking:
- Waiting:
- 2¾-3kg (3 racks, about 6lbs) Pork Ribs
- Kosher Salt
- 12g (2T) Ginger
- 18 Garlic cloves
- 126g (6T) Honey
- 120g (6T) Red Pepper Paste (Gochujang)
- 113g (8T) Unsalted Butter
- 48g (3T) Soy Sauce
- Preheat the oven to 250°F (121°C). On a large sheet pan or roasting pan, place the rib racks on enough aluminum foil that you will be able to wrap the meat into a package. Sprinkle salt on both sides of the ribs, and place them meat-side down. Slice the ginger into coins, peel the garlic cloves, and stud them throughout the ribs. Seal the pork ribs in the foil. Bake for 4 hours, or until the meat is tender.
- Carefully open one end of the foil package. Strain out the liquid into a large pan. Keep the garlic, discard the ginger. Cook the liquid down for about 20 minutes on medium-high flame, stirring occasionally. Add the honey, pepper paste, butter, and soy sauce to the reduced pork liquid, then simmer on low-medium flame for 10 minutes, stirring continuously. The finished consistency should look like barbecue sauce, or honey. Turn off the flame and let the sauce sit for 5 minutes.
- Open up the foil so that it lays flat on the pan. Brush a generous amount of sauce onto the rib side of each rack. Bake at 425°F (218°C) for 15-20 minutes. Remove from the oven, flip the racks meat-side up, and brush more sauce onto the racks. Put the garlic to one side. Bake again for 15-20 minutes. Take the pork ribs out of the oven and let them rest for 20 minutes.
- Scoop the garlic into a small bowl. Slice the rack into individual pork ribs and serve with some radish and carrot slaw, or some radish kimchi.
*Bunny Wisdom*
- If your foil isn't big enough to create a sealed pouch, fold together two long sheets side-by-side to make one large sheet.
- The garlic can be eaten with the pork ribs, or smashed and stirred into leftover sauce.
- We made a pouch versus having the ribs tightly wrapped in the foil. This allows the heat to swirl around the meat.
- The reduced liquid should have an unctuous feel. We boiled down the liquid to about ⅓ of the original amount.
- Don't be afraid to use a whisk when making the sauce. It helps bring all of the ingredients together.
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