About Grace, Chef Bunny

Hi, everyone! I’m Grace (or Bunny/Bunbun, as my hubby likes to call me), and this is my food blog.

Food is so important in our lives. It isn’t just that we need to eat for sustenance, but it is central in births and celebrations, and in sadness and death. Cooking brings people together; it allows us to communicate and understand that the dishes have a story to tell, even when we have no common language. My grandmas are my inspiration for this blog. Their gardens were always overgrown with leafy vegetables and alliums. If that wasn’t enough, we found our food on our daily nature walks! They never stopped cooking for friends and family; it was so essential to their well-being.

Growing up in Portland, Oregon, I learned how to cook from my mom, with her mom and grandma being equally influential, and honed my skills by remaking their signature dishes. After studying dance in college I attended the International Culinary Center (formerly known as the French Culinary Institute) in New York City, and graduated from their French Pastry Program.

I’ve also had the opportunity to work in the pastry kitchens of two world-class establishments in New York, Bouley Restaurant and Ladurée.

My favorite savories to make: Ginger-Soy Chicken, Mandu (Dumplings), Weekend Pot Roast.

My favorite sweets to make: Hrm, that’s a tough one. I like Tarts! I like Cakes too! And Cookies! Oh darn, they’re all so good…

Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoy my blog!

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